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We are out of office 4th - 6th September


We amaze, educate and inspire through our ethical and engaging animal encounters. 

Our ZooLab presenters and animal teams work closely with early years, schools, businesses and in the care sector to achieve learning and wellbeing outcomes.


We engage with people in an informative way through our unique animal workshops.

Our workshops are safe and easy to book. Our professional customer service team are happy
to discuss the best options for you.


Whether booking a face to face or digital experience  ZooLab makes learning fun.​

Find out more.

We're the UK’s #1 for ethical animal encounters 

Primary aged boy and girl with uniform and backpacks
Bearded Dragon

“We were SO impressed with Eleanor! She kept a challenging class completely hooked and was clearly extremely knowledgeable about the animals. The children LOVED the experience and haven't stopped speaking about it."

Hutton Cranswick Community Primary School

ZooLab presenter, Eleanor
Workshops Anchor

Educational Workshops

Whether you're a young person or a young adult, we tailor our curriculum based workshops to your specific educational needs and requirements. 

  • EYFS

  • Primary

  • Secondary

  • STEM

  • SEN

  • Online

Hero image of school children of all ages, surrounded by animals

Animal Therapy

Our Animal Therapy sessions promote mental wellbeing and can be used in a wide range of settings. We tailor each session to fit the audience we're presenting to. 

  • Care homes

  • Hospices

  • Prisons

  • Pupil referral units

  • Exam stress busters

  • Staff wellbeing sessions.

Hero image for Care, featuring two old age pensioners, surrounded by exotic animals

Events and Corporate

Our hands-on animal encounters are bespoke tailored to your staff and clients. We can provide entertainment for a conference or even run an entire event ourselves!

  • Events & Parties

  • Corporate Entertainment

  • School Clubs

  • Summer Camps

  • Libraries

  • Museums

Hero image for Corporate, featuring a ZooLab ranger at a stall, surrounded by animals

Online & International

ZooLab is a fully interactive learning experience which offers flexibility, accessibility and a unique and an effective learning experience - no matter where in the world you are!

  • International Programmes

  • Digital Learning

  • Library Sessions

  • After School Clubs

  • Summer Camps

Hero image for Online sessions, featuring a ZooLab presenter and lots of animals bursting through a laptop screen.

Meet Our Team!

Before your visit, we'd love you to meet our ZooLab Rangers and their animals. 


ZooLab's passionate presenting team are skilled at working within a variety of settings and adapt each session to suit the age and ability of the audience.


Whether used as a therapy or teaching tool, ZooLab's unique style allows participants to find their confidence at their own pace and gain a great deal from the animal encounter both online or face to face.

ZooLab presenter, Domanique
ZooLab presenter, Anna
ZooLab presenter, Rob
Chilean rose tarantula
Madagascar hissing cockroach
Giant African Land Snail
Whites tree frog
Asian forest scorpion
Gold background colour


Each workshop comes with a FREE dedicated resource pack including worksheets and support materials to continue the fun after your session.

ZooLab's online resources
ZooLab's printed resources
ZooLab's printed resources
ZooLab's iPad resources
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