Women first!
A female will eat the male after mating as she needs the energy to produce her eggs.
Spider silk is amazing!
It's lighter than cotton, a thousand times thinner than human hair, yet 5 times stronger than steel.
No tarantula can kill you.
More people are killed by refrigerators every year than by tarantulas.
Lifespan: Females live around 20 years. Males live around 2 - 4 years
Size: Maximum of around 6 inches in length
Threats: Birds, reptiles, mammals
Distribution: Native to Chile
Habitat: Desert and scrub habitats
Appearance: The overall colour is brown to black with rose-hued hair on the hard-shell upper body. A tarantula's fangs fold under the body, meaning that it must strike downward to impale its prey
Diet & Feeding: Nocturnal predator of small arthropods. Prey is injected with venom and enzymes that begin breaking it down into ingestible fluids
Social Behaviour: They live solitary lives in small underground burrows
Males and females: The female is often bigger than the male and also tends to be more aggressive
Lifespan: 15-20 years
Number of young: The female produces large egg sacs, usually containing in excess of 500 eggs. The female will carry the egg sack under her body protecting it until the eggs have hatched