Strong and flexible
Snakes have up to 15 thousand muscles and up to 500 bones. Humans only have 207 bones.

Snakes smell using their tongue!
They have an organ in their mouth called a 'Jacobson’s organ', which smells via the snake's tongue.
They display mimicry.
They can pretend to be venomous rattlesnakes by shaking their tail to intimidate predators.

Lifespan: 6 - 8 years
Threats: Habitat destruction and accidental killing
Distribution: North America
Habitat: Forests, rocky grassland and abandoned buildings
Appearance: They have a slender body that can reach 24 to 72 inches in length and are usually orange or dark yellow in colour
Diet & Feeding: Corn snakes primarily eat rodents. They are constrictor snakes, meaning that they catch their prey and squeeze it
Social Behaviour: They are calm, docile and they enjoy being handled
Males and females: Differences between male and females are often extremely subtle
Number of young: 12 - 24 eggs
The colour depends on their habitat as it provides camouflage. The belly of a corn snake looks like a kernel of Indian corn, hence the name