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Meriones unguiculatus

Classification: Mammal

A Mongolian gerbil standing on its hind legs,

It means ‘small-clawed warrior'

There are over 100 species of gerbil, though the Mongolian gerbil is the most common pet.

A Mongolian gerbil on a flower.
A pile of sand.

Gerbils wash using sand.

They roll around in the sand, which cleans off any debris and leaves them with a shinier coat.

Gerbils are omnivorous.

They eat a huge variety of seeds, grasses, vegetables and fruits, as well as insects and worms.

A gerbil eating.
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Lifespan: 3 - 4 years +

Distribution: China, Mongolia and Russia

Habitat: Deserts and arid shrubland

Size: 12cm in length, with a tail of 12cm. They weigh between 60-130grams

Food: Gerbils feed on grains, seeds, nuts, roots, fruits, vegetables and insects

Social behaviour: Gerbils live in social groups in the wild, ranging from two to 15 animals of all ages and sexes. Groups are founded by a breeding pair and extended by their offspring and other relatives. In captivity do best in pairs of the same sex, and should never be kept alone

Lifestyle: Unlike rats, mice and hamsters they are diurnal (awake during the day instead of the night).

Home life: They live in burrows under the ground in complex tunnels they build themselves. These burrows can go as deep as 1.7 metres and stretch across 6-8 metres. 

Behaviours: They can thump their big back legs to warn others of danger!

Gerbils are one of only 3 mammals that we know of with the ability to drop their tail if threatened by a predator

Mongolian gerbil.
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