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Giant African land snail

Achatina fulica

Classification: Gastropod

A giant African land snail amongst some grass.

Largest snail in the world.

They can live 5-10 years, grow up to 20cm long and weigh up to a kilo.

A giant African land snail.
A microscopic image of a snails radula.

Chomp chomp!

They have more teeth than any other animal - up to 20,000 microscopic teeth in their mouths.

The fountain of beauty.

Snail slime is good for your skin. It is used in lots of moisturisers and anti-wrinkle creams!

A bottle of moisturizer.
Artboard 6 copy_2.png

Lifespan: 6-10 years


Threats: Hermit crab, coconut crab and some bird species


Distribution: East Africa


Habitat: Forest floor


Appearance: Giant African land snails can grow up to 12cm in length and weigh up to 600g. They can be identified by their mottled brown, conical-shaped shells which have vertical stripes and a yellow foot


Diet & Feeding: Leaf litter


Social Behaviour: Giant African land snails are nocturnal, moving around at night to feed. With the exception of mating, snails spend much of their time alone


Males and females: The giant African land snails are hermaphrodite which means that they have both male and female reproduction organs


Number of young: They lay about 200 eggs

Giant African land snails can drastically reduce its metabolism and survive for a few months or even a few years without food

Giant African land snail.
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