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Bella the Chilean rose tarantula in front of an orange backdrop and a title card that reads "BELLA".

I’m Bella! 

I'm a tarantula from South America! 'Bella' means ‘beautiful’ in Spanish.

A name badge that reads "Hello my name is "BELLA".
A hairdryer.

I love hair & beauty. 

As they grow, a Chilean rose tarantula will shed their hair and moult their skin.

I also like digging in the dirt. 

They are ground-dwelling, burrowing spiders.

A pile of dirt and leaves.
ZooLab Fur background wall paper.
A comic strip showing Bella the Chilean rose tarantulas personality and interests.
Bella the Chilean rose tarantula at the park.

I’m calm & friendly.

Chilean rose tarantulas are generally quiet and calm animals.

I can get annoyed easily.

These spiders have small hairs covering their body which they can throw in defence. These cause itchiness and redness. Chilean rose tarantulas feed on a variety of invertebrates as well as small vertebrates like mice, frogs and lizards.

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