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Lala and Lulu the Madagascar hissing cockroaches in front of an orange backdrop and a title card that reads "LALA & LULU".

We're Lala & Lulu! 

We're fun, playful and sometimes get into trouble.

A pair of name badges that read "Hello my name is "LALA" and "Hello my name is "LULU".
A speech bubble that reads "HSS!"

We can be outgoing and loud. 

They make a distinctive hissing sound to frighten off predators.

We recycle. 

They eat almost anything, which recycles back into the ecosystem.

A triangular recycle logo made out of arrows.
ZooLab Fur background wall paper.
A comic strip showing Lala and Lulu the Madagascar hissing cockroaches personality and interests.
Lala and Lulu the Madagascar hissing cockroaches at the park.

We’re twins from Madagascar!

The Madagascar hissing cockroach can give birth to as many as 60 baby roaches at a time.


We can be boisterous!

When defending their territory, these cockroaches will hiss, push, shove, and stand on their “toes” to show who's boss. The male that is larger and hisses more usually wins.

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3 Garnhall Farm Road,
G68 0HA 

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