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Norm the giant African millipede in front of an orange backdrop and a title card that reads "NORM".

I’m Norm! 

The giant African millipede comes from the rainforests of Africa.

A name badge that reads "Hello my name is "NORM".
A pair of glasses.

I wear glasses. 

They have poor eyesight but they can feel with their antennae and their legs.

I’m an eco-warrior. 

They eat rotting leaves off the forest floor and keep the habitat clean.

A triangular recycle logo made out of arrows.
ZooLab Fur background wall paper.
A comic strip showing  Norm the giant African millipedes personality and interests.
Norm the giant African millipede.

I’m usually reserved and quiet.

The giant African millipede is the largest of all the millipede species

I have a lot of legs and feet.

The name millipede means “thousand-feet,” though most giant African millipedes only have about 400 legs.


But when I’m nervous I start to smell.

As a defence mechanism, a millipede will coil into a ball and produce a smelly fluid to detract any predators.


I love recycling.

Their waste is full of helpful nutrients and helps new trees grow.


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