Anyone exhibiting animals in England should hold an Animal Activities Licence.
It has been a few years since the Animal Welfare (Licensing of Activities Involving Animals) (England) Regulations 2018 came into effect to ensure high standards of animal welfare. We are huge supporters of this legislation! It is fantastic to see more customers making educated and ethical choices when choosing providers.
ZooLab’s Licensed Rangers
ZooLab is proud to have a team of fully licensed professionals delivering high-quality presentations across England. You can rest assured that the Presenter visiting you will hold an individual Animal Activities Licence, representing the highest levels of animal welfare and care.
It is our job to make sure the ZooLab animals are happy, safe and free from stress. Through inspections and guidance, we ensure that our experts maintain the highest welfare standards when looking after ZooLab animals.
Please note: You can request a copy of their licence at the time of booking (sent along with confirmation details for your ZooLab visit).
What to look for when booking an animal encounter!
Always make sure that anyone coming to your establishment with live animals in England carries an active Animal Activities Licence, details of which should be on a provider’s website – if not, please ask before you book.
Checks from local councils ensure that the animal’s home environment is safe and well maintained and that the animals used are suitable for display in mobile animal handling settings.
Animal Activities Licence ensures that those visiting you have demonstrated the ability to adequately care for their animal’s welfare and have a firm knowledge of disease control, hygiene and handling safety– ultimately keeping you safe!
Please put animal welfare first and do not support an unlicensed company!
Mga Komento