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ZooLab's Top 10 Frogs

With over 5000 different species of frog (and counting), it's an almost impossible task

to narrow it down to a list of only 10. But we did. So here it is!

Fun fact: Did you know a group of frogs is known as an army?

10: Pacman Frog (Ceratophrys)

Sometimes known as South American horned frogs, these guys have a large,

bulbous body that prompted their nostalgic nickname. Well, that and their tendency

to try eat anything that is in front of them.

They come in a variety of 'flavours', having been named after their skin colour and

patterns. Some include: the Apricot Pacman frog, the Strawberry Pineapple Pacman

frog and the Sunburst Pacman frog.

9: Purple Frog (Nasikabatrachus sahyadrensis)

If these ovoid oddities are not already a meme, they should be!

According to the people of Idukki in Kerala (a state in the south of India), they look

like a turtle without its shell. One of the slightly less aesthetically pleasing

amphibians on this list, the Purple Frog has a tapered 'snout', small eyes and hind

legs that would put our head ranger to shame! As a fossorial species, they spend

their lives burrowing underground, using their muscular hind legs and spade like feet

to dig, and their work-boot like front feet to push their little bodies backwards. Their

odd shape and industrial assets allow them to dig up to 3 feet deep!

8: Wallace's Flying Frog (Rhacophorus nigropalmatus)

Not one to stay grounded, Wallace's Flying Frog, also known as a parachute frog, has

developed the fascinating skill of flight! Webbed membranes between their toes and

'loose skin flaps' along its small body allows this frog to leap from one tree and glide

seamlessly to the next (or even the forest floor). Found in the tropical jungles of

Borneo and Malaysia, these flighty fellas spend most of their lives amongst the

leaves and the clouds, only returning to the ground to mate and lay eggs.

7: Pobblebonk Frog (Limnodynastes dumerilii)

Also known as the Banjo Frog. The reasoning behind their odd names may not be

apparent at first glance, but, spend a short time in their company and you'll soon

discover their musical callings. With a short 'plonk' noise, similar to that of a banjo

being plucked, it's rather obvious where they got one of their names. Unfortunately, I

couldn't find much to explain why they are referred to as Pobblebonk Frogs, it may

have something to do with that trademark 'plonk' sound, or simply due to the fact

that they were named by Australians.

A burrowing species, these cute critters can be found in eastern Australia, where they

can lay up to 4000 eggs at a time! They also enjoy a spot of baking and will use their

whisk-like arms to whip up the jelly that surrounds her eggs to create a soft foamy

blanket for her babies to rest on whilst they begin their froggy lives.

6: Hairy Frog (Trichobatrachus robustus)

Also known as the Wolverine Frog, these hairy little horrors develop thick, bristle-like

'hairs' along their flanks and legs. The hairs are, in fact, small strands of skin which act

as a temporary organ that is thought to aid the frog's breathing abilities. During

mating season the male frog will live underwater with the eggs to ensure their safety,

often without resurfacing for days!

Their ability to scuba dive for ages isnt the only trick up their sleeve! These ferocious

frogs have the ability to break their own toe bones in order to produce a

claw-like barb that will pierce the skin of any predator, including the scientists that

research them!

5: Desert Rain Frog (Breviceps macrops)

Unless you've been living under a rock (or perhaps you're just not chronically addicted

to the internet like the rest of us), then you may recall the 'dog-toy' squeak of the

desert rain frog! A viral sensation all thanks to their cute-but -loud call, these

pokemon-looking creatures come very close to defying the definition of amphibian.

Hailing from Nambia and the South African deserts, they dont rely on a stable water

source like the rest of their class. Instead, they burrow down into the sand to avoid

the blistering heat of the day, emerging only during the cooler noctural hours to feed

on beetles, moths, and insect larvae!

Fun Fact: Desert Rain Frogs skip the tadpole phase entirely! As there is no water for the tadpoles to swim in, the female will lay her eggs in a burrow under the sand where they will hatch as fully formed froglets!

4: Red-Eyed Tree Frog (Agalychnis callidryas)

If you're from Scotland and took the Nat5's during high school, you'll recognise our

next guest from the cover of your textbook! Arguably one of the easiest frogs to

identify, the red-eyed tree frog is without a doubt a fan favourite. With bright green

backs, blue and yellow striped sides, and of course huge red eyes, these frogs are

truly one of the most beautiful species to be found on our planet.

These creatures have a unique start to life. Most frogs will lay their frogspawn (eggs)

directly into a pond or body of water. The red-eyed tree frog will instead look for a

leaf that hangs directly above a pond and lay her eggs there. When they're ready to

hatch, the egg sacks burst open, releasing the tadpole along with a little steam of

fluid. The tadpoles wash down the leaf (thanks to the fluid) and land safely in

the pond below, ready to start the arduous process of metamorphosis from tadpole

to froglet.

3: Paedophryne Amauensis

The Paedophryne Amauensis has a huge name for such a teeny tiny body!

Measuring in at a grand total of only 7.7mm (0.27 in) these itty bitty babies are the

worlds smallest invertibrates. With their small stature and a calling similar to that of

the insects around them, they hide in amongst the leaf litter on the forest floor in

Papua New Guinea, making them incredibly hard to spot!

2: Diane's Bare-Hearted Glass Frog (Hyalinobatrachium dianae)

A strong contender for the worlds favourite frog, the Glass Frog is one of our most

recent foggy finds having only been discovered in 2015! The skin on their back is

green but as their name suggests they have translucent stomachs! It's a neat trick

that allows the frog's edges to seamlessly camouflage into it leafy green


Fun fact: Diane's Bare-Hearted Glass Frog was named after the lead author Brian Kubicki's mother, Janet Diane Kubicki, as well as the roman goddess of the hunt, Diana.

1: Poison Dart Frog (Dendrobatidae)

Tiny but deadly, these lava-lamp-looking lil guys demonstrate the importance of

watching what you eat. You see, poison dart frogs that are kept in captivity (where

their diets can be controlled) don't develop their trade mark poison. Its all down to

what they eat! Scientists believe that the poison dart frog gains its malicious mucus

from toxins found in the bugs and critters that it eats in the wild!



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