KS 1, 2, 3, 4. First, Second, Third, Fourth Stage.
Ages 5 - 14
DURATION: 45 mins - 55 mins
OVERVIEW: What is a habitat? What types of habitat are there? Why do habitats matter? So many questions answered! Discover different habitats from around the world.
From tropical rainforests, deserts, polar regions and oceans. This hands-on workshop looks at three great survivors; Discover how and why rats, cockroaches and humans have survived.

Learning Outcomes
All children will be able to explain what a habitat is.
Most children will be able to say what is needed in a habitat.
Some children will be able to give examples of animals that suit their habitat and why.
You'll get to meet some of these animals:

Coming Autumn 2025:
Free pre-lesson resources and teaching packs!

“Ellie was such a fantastic ranger! She conversed with teachers to understand the learning intention of the session (which was habitats)."
Sidney Stringer Primary School

What is a Habitat?
In its simplest definition, a habitat is a place where living things reside. Think deserts, rainforests, oceans...the list of Earth’s habitats goes on!
Within habitats there are microhabitats - the rainforest has a canopy, forest floor, stream etc. - each of which has its own ecosystem and a variety of creatures that inhabit it.
For a habitat to be effective it needs five very important things for its occupants to survive - space, air, food, water and shelter. In order to thrive in particular habitats, living things develop special adaptations. Changing or destroying a habitat can cause devastating effects on the animals and plants which live there.
Curriculum Outcomes England & Wales

Curriculum Outcomes Scotland