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Charlie Sterling

ZooLab Ranger

ZooLab ranger Charlie.

Licence Number: CB/LANW/24/004074 

Charlie joined ZooLab in 2024. She works in Bedfordshire and the surrounding areas. 

Charlie has 10 years experience in the zoo industry. Before ZooLab, she spent her time animal training and presenting shows to the public with free flying  parrots and birds of prey, and doing sea lion shows.

ZooLab Fur background wall paper.

"I really loved getting to work with cows and pigs. I love working for ZooLab as I believe environmental education will have a big impact on how we treat the world in the future."

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Madagascar hissing cockroaches in their enclosure.
Who's a pretty boy?

Charlie is mad about birds. She even fosters and consults with a parrot charity. Charlie wants a cracker!

A parrot.
A graduation cap.
She's  knowledgeable

Charlie has a DMZAA, BSc Animal Science and a registered ABTC animal trainer through BIAZA.

Who needs a hoover?

Charlie has two chickens, Ozzy and Sharon who "clean up" any crumbs left on the ground. 

A chicken.

"I've spent years building trust and bonds and there is nothing quite like the feeling of an animal choosing to be with you."

ZooLab Fur background wall paper.
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01324 667330​

ZooLab UK Head Office:
3 Garnhall Farm Road,
G68 0HA 

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