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Domanique Lake

ZooLab Ranger

ZooLab ranger Domanique.

Licence Number: 24/39018/ANWLFR

Domanique joined in 2018. She works in Wolverhampton and surrounding areas. 

She has degree in English Literature and Creative Writing but her main passion is working with animals. 

She helps out at her step-dads dairy farm - tending to cows, chickens, horses, pigs and sheep. Domanique is a successful YouTuber and runs her own blog!

ZooLab Fur background wall paper.

“I love that I get to meet so many people of all ages. I hope that my work with ZooLab will educate audience members how to best care for these amazing animals."

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ZooLab ranger Domanique ready to present some workshops.
Good Influence

Domanique is a content creator on YouTube and Instagram. She helps run ZooLab's TikTok.

A digital like button.
A crown.
Heavy is the crown

Bow down to your Queen. Domanique is a pageant queen, winning titles in the UK and America.

What's up Dom?  

Domanique loves our big-eared, fluffy friends and even volunteered at a rabbit sanctuary.

A rabbit.

"My favourite ZooLab animals are my cute rats, Dumbledore and Professor Snape.”

ZooLab Fur background wall paper.
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