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Eilidh Stout

ZooLab Ranger

ZooLab ranger Eilidh.

Eilidh joined ZooLab in 2023. She works in Glasgow and the surrounding areas. 

Eilidh previously worked for the Riding For The Disabled Association, teaching people with disabilities to ride horses.   

In her spare time, she also helps her mum breed Labradors.

ZooLab Fur background wall paper.

"I love working with animals, so ZooLab's a dream job! Getting to see the joy on people's faces when they get up-close and hand-on is really rewarding."

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ZooLab ranger Eilidh holding a snail.
Stepping up to bat  

Eilidh helps run a social rounders club. She plays every weekend and organises team events.

A mitt and ball.
Gold comedy and tragedy masks.
Lights, camera, action.   

Eilidh is a one stop shop for entertainment. She has a theatre background and sings too.

Lots to say

It's not just singing and acting - she's a tripple threat. Eilidh's working on her very own podcast!

A radio microphone and headphones.

"My favourite ZooLab animal would have to be the frogs! They are just the cutest little things ever and they have so much personality packed into such a tiny bodies."

ZooLab Fur background wall paper.
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